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It is the policy of Asia Financial to safeguard and keep confidential the personal data of all our customers. We shall at all times observe and ensure our staff strictly adhere to all the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("the Ordinance").
Collection and Use of Personal Data
Personal data will not be collected from a customer who is browsing this website. However, when you visit our site, a record of your visit may show your domain name, server address and the pages you have accessed. Such information will be used to update the statistics on the numbers of visitors to the site.
All the personal data collected by us will strictly adhere to the following principles according to our policy and the requirements of the Ordinance.
Only the necessary personal data directly related to your enquiries, comments or suggestions will be collected.
Personal data held by us will not, without your prescribed consent, be used for other unrelated purposes for which they were collected. We may deliver marketing material to our customers. Our customers can contact us at any time and inform us that they do not wish to receive further marketing material from us.
Accuracy and Retention of Personal Data
All practicable steps will be taken to ensure that the data are accurate and up-to-date. Personal data will not be kept longer than they are necessary for our purposes and will be destroyed according to our internal policy.
Security of Personal Data
All practicable steps will be taken to ensure that personal data held by Asia Financial are protected against unauthorised or accidental access, processing, deletion or other use. Personal data will not be disclosed unless otherwise permitted by law.
Access and Correction of Personal Data
Customers will have the right to check whether Asia Financial holds data about him and of access to and correction of personal data. Requests for access to or corrections of data or for information regarding our policies and practice should be addressed to:-
The Data Protection Officer
16th Floor, Worldwide House
19 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3606 9200
Fax: (852) 2869 1609
Note: In case of any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
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